A community devoted to living a life in service to others through compassion, understanding and respect.

Our Community

Yoga & Animal Rights Alliance believes that through intentional community effort, we can be the change. We are here for the seekers that are drawn to a life of service to others. We compassionately connect to the needs of marginalized beings through humble awareness and profound relationships. This work deepens the meaning of unity as we build respect and admiration for the diversity of life.

In service to Never Forget Elephant Foundation

In service to Never Forget Elephant Foundation

Volunteer at the Animal Sanctuary in Portland

Volunteer at the Animal Sanctuary in Portland

Chanting on beach in Yelapa, Mexico

Chanting on beach in Yelapa, Mexico

Chanting community workshop in Portland

Chanting community workshop in Portland

Building Cob Construction in Backyard Sanctuary

Building Cob Construction in Backyard Sanctuary

Building community in Thailand

Building community in Thailand

Meet the Founder of Yara

Sweethome Teacup is the woman behind this compassionate activism for all beings. She is dedicated to teaching others, living a life of service, and raising awareness of our interconnectedness with all things.

“May all beings be happy and free and may our thoughts, words, and actions contribute in some way to the happiness and freedom for all."


The Sweethome Sanctuary

Yara supports the rescue and protection of domesticated animals in need. We are devoted to the stewardship of their health and well being. We either find homes or care for a variety of animals at the Sanctuary in Northeast Portland. With the ever-evolving needs of maintaining the sanctuary and caring for the animals, we are always looking for compassionate volunteers to help.

How you can support Yara

Yoga & Animal Right Alliance is a multifaceted non-profit. There are many ways that you can join our community and help with the life long work that we are committed to. Our offerings generally fall within three areas: Animal Rights, Yoga Practice and Education.

Animal Rights

Volunteer at our Portland animal sanctuary to serve the animals, build natural structures and maintain the community garden.

Attend a retreat to serve international animal sanctuaries.

Yoga Practice

Attend an annual yoga retreat, monthly workshops/course or weekly yoga class.

Sweethome weaves together a blend of meditation, asana, qi gong and chanting in her teaching.


A myriad of offerings are here to support you: Yoga Resources, Animal Activist Resources, Blog musings, Self-Guided Writing Workshops and Sweethome’s biography of her journey to seek a True Teacher.


Attend a Retreat

Give Financially

Join a Workshop

Buy The Book

Volunteer Your Time

Schedule a Private/Group Session